
Monday, August 22, 2005

Simple Reviews:

Batman Begins: The best of the ENTIRE franchise, answers all the important questions, and follows the Dark Knight very nicely. I will buy it.

Charlie & The Chocolate Factory: Tim Burton should have left well enough alone. I was forced to watch it, and while it is visually stunning, it adds nothing better to the original. I pray Corpse Bride will redeem Mr. Burton in my eyes. Avoid it

Cinderella Man: A very fine boxing film that I am sure will garner Russell Crowe an Oscar Nom. See it in the theater!

Fantastic Four: While lacking in the special effects department, a great big and funny summer popcorn movie. If you are in the mood for something light and non-threatening, this could be it. I loved that it kept the humor & fun of the original series, and Michael Chiklis (The Thing) was the best at playing his character. Wait for video.

Madagascar: Hands Down the funniest movie I've seen yet this summer! I will buy it.

March of the Penguins: A stunning documentary made even better by Morgan Freeman's spectacular narration. A great film! See in Theaters.

Star Wars Episode III: Revenge of the Sith: Say what you will about the 1930's stylized acting, the visuals and story are top notch! I rank this as the best just below "The Empire Strikes Back" in the series! It nicely sews together both sides of the saga into one epic story! I will buy it!

Unleashed: By far, one of the greatest opening fight scenes ever! Great action movie, must see. I will most likely own. Jet Li & Bob Hoskins are ferocious and Morgan Freeman greatly underplays his role. A suprisingly emotional action movie. Jet Li's finest to-date. I will buy it.

Wedding Crashers: A very funny look at an odd hobby. Vince Vaughn & Owen Wilson are hilarious, and the ladies (Rachel McAdams and Ilsa Fisher are great as well. See it in theaters.

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