
Sunday, June 27, 2004

I saw the first showing opening day of Fahrenheit 9/11, and
I will honestly say and can report this film will leave you
thinking if nothing else! I was shocked, amazed, entertained and
moved to tears and I have never been more ASHAMED of our country.
I am not ashamed of the American people, but by what our "leader"
and his administration have chosen to value more than our nation:
$$ Money $$
Whatever you do, if you choose to see this film or not, don't take
Mr. Moore's word for it, don't believe me, discover these things
for yourself so you can make an informed decision for YOURSELF! I
don't care what your political slant, please do yourself a
favor an VOTE!!! If you don't vote, you give up your say so shuddup!

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